Sunday, February 15, 2015

10 Major mistakes within modern Christinity: from a biblical perspective

Ten Major Mistakes within Modern Christianity

From a Biblical perspective


As I was speaking with my mother the other night, one major theme stuck out in our talk. That of the ultimate sadness that is modern Christianity. Other religions were not our focus because other religions do not have Christ as their savior, nor do they use the New Testament as guide for working out their salvation. In effect, they keep God, 'up there' and us 'down here.' This is a fundamental problem with every religion besides that of Christianity. So the focus of my talks here will not be on those other religions because they don't come up to the standard of God's full salvation as seen in the new Testament. Jesus as God and savior is not their central theme. As our talk continued, I noticed that we veered off into a sort of list of things wrong with modern Christianity. The talk was on a note that was sad and depressing because of how short the revelation is in the teachings of modern Christianity. The fact is that our brothers and sisters in Christ are actually in a situation of degradation and decline, and they simply don't know it. Furthermore they are actually dead in function, numb with regards to the full truth, and in many cases mislead and taken advantage of by the charlatan preachers who are really just the fierce wolves whom Paul warned about in Acts 20:29. This is a most serious situation among the body of Christ.

As I pondered this situation, I realized that there are a few readily obvious examples of this degradation within Christianity, which come to light when measured upon the yardstick of the Bible itself. When speaking with non believers it is almost always brought up that the Bible can't be a source to prove God's existence. But when speaking about believers the Bible is free to use as a means of communicating truth. So in these writings I will attempt to bring that truth to the nominal Christian who does not otherwise have the knowledge of these misconceptions. I have compiled a list, with Biblical reference and examples to attempt to free up some from the snares of untruth or mis-education within Christianity. I pray that all genuine believers in the Lord Jesus would get into these points with a grave attitude and to come out of the deadening situation in modern Christianity and into the pure church. I hope we as a nation, and internationally around the whole earth can learn from these points the real truth regarding the Bible and that those so called leaders within the church would drop their own glory and self estimations to return to Jerusalem out of Babylon. I say this as a type or allegory for the real situation of modern Christianity is that of captivity, whether known or unknown. I would that all of God's pure children of the second birth come out of the stagnant and broken situation of Christianity and into the life pulse and life flow of the lowly vine.


The errors here are most obvious to those with a correct translation of the Bible and if our spiritual eyes are open to the actual practices of modern Christian churches. Anyone who has the seeking heart to actually go and visit different churches and compare and contrast as the Spirit did in Revelation the true conditions of the believers in each situation would see that in each different sect, within each different church there are myriads of false teachings and subtle erroneous practices. That simple statement itself lends to an obvious error: “in each different sect, within each different church.” For there is only one church, i.e. one body (Ephesians 4:4). What this means is that all genuine believers are one in the spirit, and brothers and sisters of one another. The church is one body. So why are their divisions? Some of these divisions (I will call them divisions because in each case they take a name other than the genuine body- 1 Corinthians 1:13- that is, the unique body, of which we all are members; the church) are purposeful misreadings of truth within the Bible, in order to gain money or fame, others are unaware, not knowing of how they error or whom they lead astray. Never fully understanding the word of God, their purpose in the universe, or ever really coming into their ordained function within the body of Christ. In effect, their portion has been annulled (1 Corinthians 14:1-26), their speaking has been overtaken by the hiring of a so called pastor, and their spiritual lives have been sold to the wills of those who “oversee” them, in most cases for the secret monetary gain of the one(s) imposed upon them to be “superior” out of so called Bible learning. These are grievous things.

Let us know delve into the inner workings of these bold apostasies and subtle heresies with the intent to uncover the guise, remove the veil, and redirect the children of God into what is known as pure Biblical truth, with the intention that orthodox Biblical practice would be gained by some, and that the pure joy which is intended for all of God's children could be acquired therein.

Mistake number 1

Not caring about correct Bible translation

Let us start with the source of all problems within the church, the Bible itself. A correct translation of the Bible is paramount in all of this. Once a believer is saved he or she usually has an insatiable thirst for the word of God. The word that is God (John 1:1). A person saved loves their source, and the source is most definitely the word, which is Christ as God's speaking (1 Peter 1:20, 2 Timothy 3:16, Job 33:4). God became the word, and the word became flesh. God was incarnated as a real man, but this man was in the beginning with God as the word. Then, in time, this word who became flesh, and tabernacled among men (John 1:14). This tabernacling as the incarnation of God himself resulted in the salvation of the believers (John 3:16-17), those called out of the world in love past, present, and future. Love is the source (as well as the motive) of this incarnation, as only love forgives. It is through this forgiving love that the believer finds their source back to God, and locates their creator as source, as well as love itself (1 John 4:8). God is their source, and the word is what God has given to man in order to know God, as well as to eat God (John 8:32, 6:37). It is their source, for the result of the propitiatory death of the word that became flesh is the ultimate renewing of the inner man and the subsequent atonement back to our source, who is father God (Genesis 1:26, Isaiah 64:8).

So in effect, the believer's thirst is for Christ himself, as the word. And through reading the word, one can assimilate the spirit of Christ and thus be fed. However, a huge problem herein lies. That of the translation work of the Bible itself. Many overlook translation as a nominal issue, or not an issue at all. But this is where most error since the translation of the word of God is quintessential to a proper understanding of God himself and God's purpose. For this we have to adhere to the original writings in Aramaic, Greek, and Hebrew. This is all too important, and all too often overlooked. The difference in a misquoted translation is crucial to the understanding of the original thought behind the passage, as well as to misleading many to the understanding of the full thought of the context of the verse within the chapter, possibly leading to the misdirection of the entire book, let alone the thought behind the particular passage. This can, and has thrown the whole Bible off. We must remember that the Bible is a whole book. Not just separate books pieced together, but a whole. Each book is a part of the whole. Each book is crucial to the understanding and ultimate placement of the whole. Some more crucial than others, yet all indispensable in their individual placing.

Mistake number 2

Nullifying the function of the believers and uplifting the clergy-laity ideology as a hierarchical system within the church

Paul says explicitly in 1 Corinthians 14 that all the believers can function. What is it to function? It is to have a portion to bring to the meetings. Whether that is a verse, a psalm (a song), a teaching, a revelation, a tongue, or an interpretation is up to the individual believer and his direction according to God, or we may say God's leading within him. Yet under what circumstance can that believer bring his or her portion to the meeting? Surely it's not in a situation where only a pastor speaks and everyone else listens. This is the practical and most obvious annulment of the believers function. This is the clergy-laity system. This system was gradually brought into modern worship over the centuries by Ignatius, the Roman Catholic church, and the Anglican church. It is a biblical deformity and is in fact completely un-biblical.

Mistake number 3

Uplifting certain “gifted” speakers as false oracles of God's true move

Christianity constantly talks about revivals. A revival! A revival! The church does at times need to be revived. But from what does it need to be revived? From the deadness, the oldness, and the erroneous concepts and teachings within it. It needs to return to the pure orthodoxy of the original church, and meet as the believers met in the book of Acts in oneness, simplicity, and with thanksgiving. It needs to hold Christ himself as the unique head, and by his spirit advance in growth and conformity to Jesus Christ himself. Yet, in modern times we see outstanding examples of man's pride in the form of feaux leadership, man being puffed up with his own erroneous Biblical concepts and the false knowledge that is derive from distorting the word, or simply not understanding the word of God. All of this is not according to God's full revelation in the Bible. This to the dismay and derailment of millions and millions dear seekers who otherwise don't know any better. How horrible and disgusting it is to distort the word into a vehicle for self gain. Or to cut off God's hand with regards to his move in order to set up personal churches for ones own means. No “pastor” or great speaker owns any church. Likewise a speaker should be restrained in his gifts in order to not just edify the body, but rather to instil into the body growth. Edification is one thing, growth is another. We may need character lessons from time to time in an outward sense, but lessons can never satisfy our inward hunger, and it can never bring a quench to the sinners deep thirst. It can only 'wash' the outward man and beautify it while the inner man can easily go on as dirty as ever.

I have seen this first hand and it is a shame truly. These may be our genuine brothers, but without the scope of the full economy and purpose of God, literally all of their speakings are worthless. I do not trust one “famous” speaker, and I know some of their names, which I won't mention. It may be that from time to time something good is spoken. Something heart warming, something that causes peace and brings some healing to a few. This is good, yet if each speaker does not transmit Christ himself into the listener, then ultimately that ministry is short. Many ministers need education in the spirit of Christ himself. Education to live, breath, and act within that spirit. I dare say most fail at this very thing. To convey Christ himself is the unique requirement of a speaker. No message that is void of Christ is a timeless message. The message may help temporarily, but the next day, or the next week, or the next month the listeners problems will come back. Only Christ himself as the spirit can cause growth, and can truly edify the listener in an intrinsic way. This is what it is to be a genuine New Testament minister. All others are more or less just counselors, not ministers. They might counsel on the word, but do they literally minister the word (who is Christ himself) into the believer? This is the yardstick of the ones speaking.

It is the saddest thing to have a charismatic movement in order to gain money. In order to gain a monetary benefit and “get rich” off of the church. As if God's hand is short in saving (Isaiah 59:1). In 2 Timothy chapter 2 Paul laid out a kind of model for the New Testament teachers. They are ones who suffer evil as good soldiers and they become approved to God (v. 3, 15). How many teachers are ones who have not left the world? How many are those who are not edified themselves in what they attempt to edify? One who is a soldier as a teacher has to be above reproach themselves. In verses 16-22 we see that some have given themselves over to erroneous teachings that are not God's full truths. We see this over and over in modern Christianity. Mainly because they do not have the full truth! They see as through a veil, the things of God. Even distorting God's pure truth for their own bent towards monetary gain.

In my estimation the majority of these teachers are nothing more than self help counselors. They do not see Christ as the spirit, nor do they teach the word of God from the advantage point of Christ himself as the spirit to be everything to the believers. They are more or less all 'big brother' types trying to encourage the believers to grow more wealthy, or to become better people, or to get better jobs. This is neither here nor there with regards to God's purpose on the earth.

Mistake number 4

Mixing paganism with church practices and not fully leaving the world behind

What is the world? The world is the system set up by man (with Satan's influence) in order to deviate from the true need of man, which is God himself. Geneses 3.

Mistake number 5

Taking other names

Mistake number 6

Not seeing that God is three-in-one triune

Mistake number 7

Overlooking the truth of pre-tribulation rapture

Mistake number 8

Not dealing thoroughly with idol worship

Mistake number 9

Not holding Christ as the unique mediatior between man and God

This goes back to clergy-laity.

Mistake number 10

Not understanding fully that salvation is once and for all

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